Dear Fox Chase Co-owner or Tenant Resident,
As permitted by the Fox Chase Condominium Association Bylaws, the Board of Directors has voted to adopt the following rule regarding parking in the community parking lots during a snow event accumulating to a depth of 2 inches or greater as follows:
The process of snow removal begins with every contiguous snowfall of a depth of 2 inches or greater. After the accumulation of 2″ of snow, the Association’s snow removal vendor should begin snow removal and will first sound the vehicle horn to announce that snow removal in the parking area will commence. Sounding of the horn is a courtesy only, not a requirement Co-owners must be aware of when snowfall is predicted. While it has always been a requirement for every resident to move their vehicles from the parking areas to allow the snow removal crew access to the area, this is often overlooked or ignored.
Please Note: Snow removal during the hours of 8 p.m … through 8 a.m. will only include the center roadways of the parking areas. Vehicles will be required to move from the parking areas for snow plowing during this time frame. The snow removal process will resume after 8 a.m. at which time all vehicles must move from the parking areas to allow the snow removal contractor uninterrupted access to these areas. This will be in effect from 8 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Keep in mind that once the entire parking area has been completely cleared, your vehicle(s) must be moved back to that cleared area to allow the contractor to clear all the parking areas from curb to curb.
The Maintenance Department oversees the process which includes clearing all the sidewalks, having the crews hand shovel the porches, walkways and the having the snow removal contractor plow the parking areas. Fox Chase is a community of 496 units with sidewalks, porches, driveways, and over 25 parking bays to service. After a regular snow fall it takes approximately 6 hours to complete all areas, with heavier snowfall requiring even more time. Please be patient.
If you are going to be away for an extended period, make sure to move any vehicles off-site where they will not interfere with snow removal or make arrangements with a relative, friend, or neighbor to move the vehicle/vehicles. Due to liability, neither the Maintenance Department nor the snow removal contractor will move or PUSH, JUMP START, or start stalled vehicles. All vehicles must be operational and have current year license plates/tags or will be tagged and towed. Knowing and following local weather forecasts will provide an early warning that snow plowing is eminent.
The Board has deemed that snow falls requiring snow removal constitutes a Snow Emergency and has therefore adopted a process to have fines levied on any co-owner who does not cooperate by moving their vehicle(s) owned by them, their tenants, guests, or invitees upon the arrival of the snow removal contractor. Failure to provide the required access to remove snow completely from the area, in addition to other cumulative remedies permitted through the Bylaws, will result in a notice of violation being issued, which will be subject to a hearing before the Board to determine whether the violation occurred. Hearings are scheduled during the monthly Board meetings which are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. If a violation is established at the hearing, a $100 fine shall be assessed for both the first and all subsequent offenses, and notice of the same will be provided.
The Association considers this a matter of safety and therefore intends to maintain strict adherence to the above requirements.
TOWING: There are a few residents (co-owners, tenants, visitors) who on a regular basis do not move their vehicles. Once this rule goes into effect, vehicles that are not moved for a snow emergency will be tagged for towing. The first offense resulting in a vehicle being tagged will be considered a warning. With every other subsequent offense, the vehicle(s) will be towed.
Pursuant to the Fox Chase Condominium Association Bylaws, this regulation shall become effective 30 days from the date of this notice and will be enforced beginning on October 31, 2021. This amended regulation supersedes all previous snow removal related regulations.
Fox Chase Board of Directors